Zion UMC Health and Wellness Ministry
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body.: I Corinthians 6:19-20 (NRSV)
The mission of the Health and Wellness Ministry is to help our Zion church family and community care for themselves and one another . . . to attain, maintain, and/or regain the best possible WHOLE-person health and wellness of body, mind, and spirit - following the example of Christ and guided by the Holy Scriptures.
Based on needs assessments we educate and engage people in health-related activities that promote healthy lifestyles. While our ministry set off in January 2020 and quickly traversed as Germbusters plus support for Mental Health during Stressful Times; we have expanded to include much more. We now work in partnership with our church and greater community to plan and implement health activities to meet the needs. Take a look at activities held recently and hopes for the future.
For details, questions, and/or willingness to serve, click here to contact Jane Pinkerton, Faith Community Nurse, or call the church office 864-287-9098.
Events of 2023
Checkout Monthly Health Awareness Topics in our newsletter, “The Pulse,” plus the Bulletin Board displays in our Community Life Center.
January-February - Facilitated via Clemson University Instructor - Institute of Engaged Aging “A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls” - 8 sessions at Zion
February 9 - hosted at New Hope UMC “Legal Issues for Seniors”
Six Weeks of Lent- ZUMC Wed.1:00-2:00 “Life after Loss: Grief Support Group”
March 18 - All Day Training at Zion . . . Mental Health First-Aid provided by United Way of Anderson for Anderson District UMC
May 20th 11:00-12:30 Brain Health - “More Than Just CROSSWORD Puzzles” hosted at St. Andrews Catholic Church, Clemson and presented by Clemson University - Institute of Engaged Aging

Planning for the Future:
- First Aid Intro for Kids
- CPR Training
- Introduction to “POST” = not just DNR (Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment)
- Health Screenings
- Grief Support Group
- Nutrition Tips and Recipes
. . . and much more….Remember Ideas are always welcome!