"Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received." 1 Peter 4:10
Emmanuel's Hammer
Emmanuel’s Hammer works with community service organizations, churches, and government agencies to identify homeowners who have experienced a home disaster or who are facing a critical situation that affects the safety, sanitation, or security of their home. We then lock arms with that family to conduct the needs assessment, fund raising, mission team recruitment, materials procurement and project management of their rebuild. Their vision is “To exhibit the love of Christ and to restore hope to those who are in need of safe, sanitary and secure homes.” Their mission is "Sharing the love of Christ by rebuilding homes and lives."
Zion UMC is committed to this ministry of "Rebuilding Homes; Restoring Hope." To learn more or to get involved, click here to contact KC Carter.
South Main Chapel and Mercy Center
South Main Chapel and Mercy Center is a inclusive, non-judgmental United Methodist Church, located in Anderson, that reaches out to all races and including people from any economic or religious background. In addition to the traditional roles of a church, special services are provided such as meals, employment assistance, housing assistance, transportation, ID's and life coaching.
Four times a year the United Women in Faith (UWF) prepare and serve a meal for those attending South Main Chapel and Mercy Center.
For more information, click here to contact Cheryl Carlisle, UWF president.
UMVIM - South Carolina Emergency Response Team
UMVIM (United Methodist Volunteers in Mission) is a grassroots movement of United Methodists who seek to put their “Christian Love in Action” offering short-term mission locally, nationally, and globally. An important service offered by UMVIM is the South Carolina Emergency Response Team that is dispatched after a natural disaster.
Zion members have received training and travel where they are needed to show the love of Jesus to others whose lives have been turned upside down. ERT teams consist of 6 – 12 people. All members receive 8 hours of basic disaster training plus first aid and and CPR. Additional personnel are trained in chainsaw safety.
For more information, click here to contact Mark Springer.
ZUMVIM (Zion United Methodist Volunteers in Ministry)
Patterned after UMVIM, ZUMVIM provides short-term mission locally. This team has built a cabinet for our Prayer Shawl Ministry, lined our church parking lot, replaced a microwave in the home of church members, helped members move, provided home repair service . . . and the list goes on.
To learn more about ZUMVIM, click here to contact Ed Leenhouts.
Care Bear Ministry
Every year during Advent, Zion's United Women in Faith (UWF) sponsors a teddy bear collection. Teddy bears are brought to worship and remain in the sanctuary until the day they are collected, blessed and distributed to those who could use the comfort of a soft and fluffy teddy bear to hold.
For more information, click here to contact Cheryl Carlisle, UWF president.
Woodchucks - Firewood Ministry
Winter can be unbearable without a heat source. The Woodchucks provide an invaluable service by chopping firewood to distribute to individuals and families who need it.
For more information, click here to contact Ted Stokes.
Visitation Team
Zion’s Visitation Team has been actively visiting since January 2017, when it was established. It provides encouragement and support for church members with both home and hospital visits, connects with those who have been missing worship services, creates opportunity for prospective members to learn more about Zion and its mission, and provides communion to the homebound quarterly.
For more information, click here to contact Maurita Claypool or click here to contact Cheryl Carlisle
Zion UMC Also Provides Financial and Material Support
to the Following Local Ministries and Agencies
Clean Start
"We serve the homeless, poor, and marginalized by providing facilities to achieve basic hygiene, cleanliness, mail and phone access, and to help direct them toward the availability of other services they may need."
For more information, click here to contact Cheryl Carlisle.
Family Promise
Family Promise of Anderson County (FPAC) strives to keep families together during the difficult journey of displacement. They can mobilize compassionate members of the community, social service agencies, congregations, and organizations together to end homelessness for children and their families.
Kairos Prison Ministry
Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. is a Christian faith-based ministry which addresses the spiritual needs of incarcerated men, women, youth and, their families. By sharing the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, Kairos hopes to change hearts, transform lives and impact the world.
For more information, click here to contact Becky Lynch.
Anderson Lights of Hope
Anderson Lights of Hope is dedicated to helping better the community. Their goal is to help better individuals, families, and the community, one step at a time! Services offered include:
- To recruit volunteer advocates, to support the disabled;
- To promote advocacy for the disadvantaged individuals;
- To provide training, and education for individuals to further their career and positively influence the community
For more information, click here to contact Louann Batton.
Salkehatchie Summer Service
Since 1978, Salkehatchie has been more than a church outreach program, volunteer group, or just another summer youth camp. From Saturday to Saturday, volunteers experience more than just a week of hard work. Their dedication and love help families feel comfortable and secure in their homes. Salkehatchie is faith in action.
Zion supports the Foothills Camp located in Pendleton.
For more information, click here to contact Rachel Houx.