"So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others." Romans 12:5
United Women in Faith
Our local United Women in Faith is committed to learning and serving. Two UWF circles meet monthly for study and fellowship.
They prepare and serve four Sunday noon meals for the Mercy Center in Anderson. They accept donations to Clean Start, an organization that provides showers and laundry services as well as clothing needs to Anderson's homeless. At Christmas our UWF circles spearhead the collection of teddy bears and other snugglies to gift to nursing homes, rescue squads, to children at the Sunshine House, and the American Red Cross.
For more information, click here to contact Cheryl Carlisle, President of the Zion UWF.
Music Ministry at Zion
Zion has at least two ways to use your gifts of music. You may want to join the Zion Bell Choir that plays during worship on special occasions. To learn more or to volunteer to play bells, click here to contact Rachel Houx.
Zion also has a sanctuary choir that meets to rehearse in the sanctuary every Sunday evening at 5 pm. They sing and lead music on most Sunday mornings. Every December, they perform a Christmas cantata on a Sunday evening, highlighting the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. To learn more or to volunteer to sing in the sanctuary choir, click here to contact Dennis Adams, choir director.
Health and Wellness at Zion
The mission of the Health and Wellness Ministry is to help our Zion church family and community care for themselves and one another - to attain, maintain, and/or regain the best possible WHOLE-person health and wellness of body, mind, and spirit - following the example of Christ and guided by the Holy Scriptures.
Based on needs assessments, we educate and engage people in health-related activities that promote healthy lifestyles.
For more information, click here to contact Jane Pinkerton, Faith Community Nurse.
Faith Formation at Zion
Zion United Methodist Church understands the importance of growing and maturing in faith and discipleship. For that reason, we offer a variety of learning opportunities that include 5 adult Sunday School classes that gather in our Christian Life Center (CLC) at 9 am on Sunday mornings; a weekly Bible Study on Thursday mornings at 9:30 am; and short and long-term small group studies and conversations.
Watch for upcoming small groups in our weekly newsletter, The Pulse. To sign up to receive our newsletter, click here to contact Marla Fuller, our Administrative Assistant.
Click here to learn more about each of our five Sunday School Classes.
Volunteer To Serve at Zion
At Zion, our laypersons play an active role in the life of the church. Zion would not survive without the active participation of our members and friends. There are lots of opportunities to serve. Where would you like to plug in? You could serve on one of our ministry teams, sing in the choir, play handbells, wash dishes, teach, assist with communion, use your computer/technical skills, help maintain our church facilities and campus, visit our shut-ins, join our prayer team . . . the possibilities are endless.
For more information about how and where you can get involved in the ministry of Zion UMC, click here to contact Marla Fuller, our Administrative Assistant or call the church office at 864-287-9098.
Serve God by Serving In God's World
God calls us into the world to be His hands and feet wherever there is a need. Zion values mission and outreach. From our Prayer Shawl Ministry to serving on our conference Emergency Response Team, Zion folks are willing and able to roll up their sleeves to serve. Our UWF (United Women in Faith) serve meals on a quarterly basis at South Main Chapel and Mercy Center in Anderson. The men who serve in Zion Volunteers in Mission and Emmanuel's Hammer are quick to meet the needs of individuals and families who need assistance with home repairs. To learn more about our Zion mission and service ministries, click here.